Learning Disabled Students
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS I have two learning-disabled children who are now successful adults. I learned from them to admire the way they faced challenges and adjusted to change. They have taught me more than they will ever know. Today, I continue to volunteer in Orange County Public schools with young learners. I read books to kindergarten and first graders and I have four rules: 1. Use your imagination, 2. Respect each other, 3. Respect each other’s boundaries, and 4. Love one another. The students lay their heads on the table, close their eyes, listen with their ears to the book I read and let their imaginations soar. THIS WORKS FOR ADULTS TOO. I have realized that this is a good habit for adults too. I work with families with various degrees of stress. Respecting each other, listening with your ears and letting your imagination soar can be the best three rules to resolving your stress. I have been voted Orange County School volunteer of the year two times, once at the elementary school and once for the entire county. I think I can share some helpful strategies towards your success.